Our area has been undergoing some
Flooding. I wasn't sure if I could get to
Banner or not but I was able to get there, even though the park itself is closed the roads around the park are not.
So I walked around to see if I could see any herps and have some alone time with God as well. Well it wasn't too long and I came across this
Painted Turtle crossing the bike path.

This was a female and I wasn't actually sure if she was gravid or not. During June the female painted turtles are looking for nice sandy soil to lay their eggs. But because of all the flooding in the area she just may be a little displaced because of that.

This shot of her plastron reveals why they are called Painted Turtles. She had a beautiful design on her shell. The carapace is usually a dark, olive green color.

I let her go from the end of the parking lot that had flooded. She swam away after a few moments, happy to be released.

Here's a shot of some of the flood damage to the bike path. It is washing out some of the areas.

This bridge usually hovers over 60 feet above this river. But the currents had actually run over the bridge. Luckily there was no washout around the bridge. It is pretty amazing damage we have been receiving because of all the flooding.
Down the trail a little further, there was some big puddles of water on the edge of the bike trail and I saw a water snake but wasn't able to catch him. Then I saw two more
Northern Water Snakes and I was successful catching them.

It isn't easy dealing with two very fiesty water snakes and trying to take pictures of them all at the same time, they don't tend to be the most cooperative subjects on planet earth. I don't know why it is, but water snakes are just plain, angry snakes.

After a bit, these two calmed down a little. They still were not happy being photographed at all.

Take a look at the underbelly of these snakes. It is absolutely brilliant. Their dull, brown-gray banding on top doesn't compare at all to the beautiful markings on their underbelly. They may be angry but they sure are pretty.

On my way out I got pretty close to this
Northern Leopard Frog. He was very cooperative, unlike his snake counterparts. There were gadzillions of these frogs all along the trail due to the flooding.
I had a nice journey out, and a nice talk with God too. It was a good herping day!