Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Flooded Banner

I went out to Banner again today to see if I could spot any herps. I saw a few interesting things.

As you can see, the flooding displaced a lot of fish and many have met a similar fate as this one because they are in oxygen-starved pools.

One thing the flooding has done is create an absolute abundance of frogs. Look at this Bull Frog just hanging out in the murky water.

Here's another Bull Frog. This picture doesn't do him justice. He was absolutely huge. If I could have caught him, I would have but he wouldn't let me get any closer to him.

I also caught another Painted Turtle crossing the road again. He wasn't as timid as the last one I caught.

Look at this American Toad I found just sitting in the road. He was really nifty. He let me get several good shots of him and then I scooted him off the road so he would be safe.

I know this isn't a herp, but it is still incredibly cool. This is a female Wolf Spider carrying an egg sac. I saw her when I did a little flipping. She stayed still long enough for me to take several decent shots. Pretty cool find, in my opinion.

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