Tuesday, April 22, 2008

April 22, 2008

Today I had to get out of my office for a little while this afternoon. I went down to Banner and walked some of the trails. It didn't take long and I came across my first find. A Northern Water Snake. I was going to get a picture of him, but as I approached him, he slid off the branches he was perched in and went straight into the water. Here's a shot of where he was perched though...

A little bit later I came across this little guy...a Brown Snake.

Just a little farther down the trail and I heard a rustling that I thought might be a snake at first, but no, it was a male Painted Turtle. And believe it or not, not even thirty feet away there was an even larger female I found. Here's a couple of pictures of both of them...

Just a little more walking down the trail and then I come across my second Eastern Garter Snake sighting. The first one I didn't get a picture of, but the second one I got close enough to snap a couple good shots of. Here's one of him just trying to get away from me...

This short office escape was capped off when I got back in my car only to drive a little way and save this Brown Snake from certain death if I hadn't moved him from his spot in the road where he was warming himself. Check him out...
Well, next time I have to get out of my office, I'll bring my camera along and I'll put up another post. This is not something where I will post on a weekly basis, but I will have something up every two to three weeks. So keep checking back. Thanks!

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