Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Quick Dash Out of the Office This Morning

Okay, me and my co-worker left for exactly a one hour excursion out of the office down to Banner. I really wanted to try and get a few pictures of the Northern Water Snake that I had seen there the two previous visits on her perch. We didn't see her out. But I did find the carcass of an Eastern Garter Snake, something had just eaten off the head of the snake (probably a raccoon). Here's a shot of it...
We moved on down a ways and listened to all the frogs raise their chorus around us. It really does get quite loud at times out there. It was also nice because the target range was closed, so no gun shot sounds were around us either.

We saw another (live) Eastern Garter Snake (didn't catch it) and then decided to leave. On our way out, stretched out on the road we saw a very large Eastern Garter Snake. This was a beautiful snake...probably 30 inches in length. I got a few shots before I moved it back off the road. Here's the pics...

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